A Program to Develop a National Register of Cultural Heritage Properties for Jordan
Published: 1995
Pages: (604)
Table of Contents
The 1994 Excavations at `Ayn Ghazal: Preliminary Report A First Season of Renewed Excavation by the University of Sydney at Tulaylat al-Ghassul The Second Season of Excavation at al-Magass-`Aqaba, 1990 Archaeological Expedition to Khirbat Iskandar and Its Vicinity, 1994 Tall Tall Abū al-Kharaz: The Swedish Jordan Expedition 1993: Fourth Season Preliminary Excavation Report Wine Production in the Hills of Southern Ammon and the Founding of Tall al-`Umayri in the Sixth Century BC Archaeological Explorations in the Vicinity of Khirbat ath-Thamayil: 1992 Archaeological Survey of the Wādī al-ʿĀjib, al-Mafraq Three Tombs near the Hippodrome at Jarash: A Preliminary Report Preliminary Report on a Mausoleum at the Turn of the BC/AD Century at Jarash Notes préliminaires à l'étude de la voie romaine Gerasa-Philadelphia The Buildings under the "Cathedral" of Gerasa: The Second Interim Report on the Jarash Cathedral Project The Via Nova Traiana in Northern Jordan: A Cultural Resource under Threat Recent Excavations at the `Amman Nymphaeum: Preliminary Report 1994 Archaeological Excavations and Survey of the Southern Temple at Petra, Jordan The Unique Nabataean High Place of Ras Slaysil Northwest of Petra and Its Topographical Context Archaeo-Geology in Petra, Jordan Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavations at az-Zantur in Petra 1994: The Sixth Campaign Preliminary Report of the Ḥumayma Excavation Project, 1993 Preliminary Report of Reconnaissance Survey in the Region of Wādī Bāyir Jarash Bowls and Other Related Local Wares from the Spanish Excavations at the Macellum of Gerasa (Jarash) La chapelle de la Theotokos dans le Wadi `Ayn al-Kanisah au Mont Nébo en Jordanie The 1993 and 1994 Seasons at Umm al-Jimāl: The Umm al-Jimāl Project, 1993 and 1994 Field Seasons The 1993 and 1994 Seasons at Umm al-Jimāl: Byzantine and Early Islamic Oil Lamp Fragments from House 119 at Umm al-Jimāl The 1993 and 1994 Seasons at Umm al-Jimāl: Umm al-Jimāl 1993: A Cist Burial The 1993 and 1994 Seasons at Umm al-Jimāl: The 1994 Umm al-Jimāl Cemetery Excavations: Areas AA and Z The 1993 and 1994 Seasons at Umm al-Jimāl: Umm al-Jimāl Area R 1994 Field Season Excavations and Restorations at Dayr ʿAyn ʿAbāṭa 1994 L'inscription de type dédanite de Abu ad-Diba`/Wadi Ramm: Une nouvelle lecture A Street and the Beach at Ayla: The Fall Season of Excavations at `Aqaba, 1992 Archaeological Research on Medieval Petra: A Preliminary Report A Program to Develop a National Register of Cultural Heritage Properties for Jordan The First Season of the an-Naq` Project, Ghawr as-Safi New Greek Inscriptions in the Byzantine Hermitage at Qasr at-Tuba on the Lisan Preliminary Investigation of the Human Skeletal Remains from the Hippodrome at JarashThumbnails