The `Ain Ghazal Survey: Patterns of Settlement in the Greater Wadi as-Zarqa Area, Central Jordan
Published: 1992
Pages: (439)
Table of Contents
General Introduction to the Theme "Sites and Settlements in Jordan" Demographic Issues in Pleistocene Prehistory: A Perspective from Wadi al-Hammeh Earthquake Effects on Bilad ash-Sham Settlements Periods of Ore Exploitation and Metal Production in the Area of Feinan, Wadi `Arabah, Jordan Environmental, Economic and Political Constraints on Ancient Settlement Patterns in the Wadi al-Yabis Region Settlement Patterns Along the Southern Flank of Wadi al-Hasa: Evidence from "The Wadi al-Hasa Archaeological Survey" The `Ain Ghazal Survey: Patterns of Settlement in the Greater Wadi as-Zarqa Area, Central Jordan Ancient Settlement Patterns in the Northwest Ard al-Karak Wadi al-Hasa Palaeolithic Settlement Patterns: Negeb and South Jordan Models Compared Répartition des sites du paléolithique inférieur en Jordanie Les plateaux du nord de la Jordanie au paléolithique Eastern Jordan: Economic Choices and Site Location in the Neolithic Periods Pottery Neolithic Settlement Patterns in Jordan Neolithic Settlement Patterns in Northern Jordan and Palestine The `Zarqa Triangle': A Preliminary Appraisal of Protohistorical Settlement Patterns and Demographic Episodes Seasonal Movements of Fourth Millennium Pastoral Nomads in Wadi Hisma Some Technological Features from a Chalcolithic Site at Magass-Aqaba The Jordan Valley (East Bank) during the Middle Bronze Age in the Light of New Excavations Bronze Age Settlement Patterns in the South Jordan Valley: Archaeology, Environment and Ethnology A Reassessment of Nelson Glueck on Settlement on the Jordan Plateau in Early Bronze III and IV De l'occupation à l'utilisation de l'espace à l'aube de l'âge du Bronze dans la région de Jérash et sa périphérie Orientale Shifts in Settlement Patterns of Late Bronze and Iron Age Ammon Vingt ans d'épigraphie transjordanienne Settlement Patterns of the Late Bronze and Iron Ages in the Greater Amman Area Occupation du sol dans la région de Jérash aux périodes du Bronze récent et du Fer L'occupation de l'espace à l'âge du Fer en Jordanie Les territoires d'Ammon, Moab et Edom dans la deuxième moitié du IXe S. avant notre ère Modes d'installations agricoles nabatéennes dans la région de Pétra et dans le Wadi `Arabah Le décor architectural en Transjordanie de la période hellénistique à la création de la Province d'Arabie en 106 Islamic or Nabataean? The Case of a First to Early Second Century AD Cream Ware L'espace urbain de Pétra Nabataean Settlements and Roman Occupation in Arabia Petraea Nabataean Settlement Patterns Inside Petra Abu Khusheiba : a newly described Nabataean settlement and caravan station between Wadi `Arabah and Petra The water-supply system of ancient auara : preliminary results of the Humeima hydraulic survey Le peuplement nabatéen de la Gobolitide (al-Jibal): État critique de la question Répartition des inscriptions grecques de Jordanie: L'exemple des inscriptions métriques aux époques romaine et byzantine Amman-Philadelphia: Aspects of Roman Urbanism Irbid and Beit Ras Interconnected Settlements c. A.D. 100-900 The Distribution of Safaitic Inscriptions in Northern Jordan Internal Settlement Patterns in Abila The Macellum in the Economy of Gerasa The Limes and Settlement Patterns in Central Jordan in the Roman and Byzantine Periods Les progrès de la citoyenneté romaine en Arabie sous le Haut Empire Jérash romaine et byzantine: développement urbain d'une ville provinciale orientale Les problèmes résolus et les questions posées par les trois premières campagnes de fouilles à Umm er-Rasas - Kastron Méfaa: La fin de la civilisation urbaine en Jordanie The Religious Factors in Settlement Patterns in Jerusalem in the Early Islamic Period Building Patterns in Umayyad Architecture in Jordan Installations Omayyades à Jérash Islamic Settlement in Ard al-Karak Settlement Patterns in Islamic Jordan: The Umayyads and their Use of the Land Fihl (Pella) and the Cities of North Jordan during the Umayyad and Abbasid Periods Reassessing the Archaeology of Jordan of the Abbasid Period Pioneer Settlements over the Jordan Occupation de l'espace dans le village traditionnel de `Aima: approche ethnoarchéologique Discours et territoires: Deux récits de fondation pour la tribu des Bdoul Settlement History and Village Space in Late Ottoman Northern Jordan 19th Century Circassian Settlements in JordanThumbnails