Gadara. The Terrace, Theatre and Cardo Quarter in the Roman Period: Architectural Design Integrated in the Landscape: the Design of the West Theatre
Published: 1997
Pages: (432)
Table of Contents
History from the Earth: Meanings, Methodological Aspects and Aims Topographic References and Plotting Landscape Resources and Human Occupation of Ancient Jordan: A Perspective from Subsurface Mapping Techniques Utilized by the Madaba Plains Project Using a Geographic Information System to Create Probability Models for Sites with Tombs from the al-`Umayrī Regional Survey The Electronic Elaboration of Images: A Rapidly Developping Field Use of SPOT Satellite Data for the Mapping of Floods in the Archaeological Site of Petra The Electronic Elaboration of Images: A Rapidly Developping Field Al-Lahun: A Geo-Archaeological Approach of the Belgian Excavations in Jordan Natural Constraints, Space Organisation Models and Rhythm of Occupation at Abu Hamid during the Seventh and the Sixth Millennium BP. A Geo-Archaeological Study Aerial Archaeology in Jordan: Air Photography and the Jordanian Southern Hawran Physical Environment and Occupation in the Tabaqat Fahl Region, Jordan over the Last Half Million Years Aerial Photography and the Southern Ghors (al-Aghwar) and Northeast `Arabah Archaeological Survey Optical Dating and Landscape Chronology at ad-Disa, Southern Jordan, and Its Potential A GIS Application for the Analysis of Archaeological Survey Data: Natural Resources and Settlement History of the Upper az-Zarqa' Valley The Restoration of the Propylaeum of the Sanctuary of Artemis in Jarash: Methodology and Perspectives The Settling Systems from Images: Some Case Histories The Changing Landscape of the Deposits at `Ayn at-Tinah, Wadi Musa The Southeastern Dead Sea Plain: Changing Shorelines and Their Impact on Settlement Patterns through Historical Periods Intrasite Spatial Analysis and the Settlement History of Madaba Ressources naturelles et occupation du site de Pétra A Middle Bronze Age Landscape: Occupation and Resource Management in the Wadi al `Ajib, al-Mafraq Tall Abu al-Kharaz: Occupation Throughout the Ages: The Faunal and Botanical Evidence A History of Occupational Changes at the Site of the Hippodrone of Gerasa Landscape and Cityscape in the Hisma: The Resources of Ancient Al-Humayma Human Settlement at the Northern Head of the Gulf of al-`Aqaba: Evidence of Site Migration Vernacular Architecture and the Assessment of Demographic Patterns within the Recent Environment in Relation to the Evidence from Tall Iktanu Spatial Patterns and Middle Paleolithic Behavioral Organization within the Tor Faraj Rockshelter The Upper Paleolithic in Jordan: Evidence from the Wadi al-Hasa and South Jordan WHS 1065 (Tor at-Tariq): An Epipaleolithic Site in Its Regional Context A PPNB Settlement at as-Sifiyya in Wadi al Mujib Excavations at Neolithic ʿAyn Ghazal, 1993-1994 Neolithic ʿAyn Ghazal in Its Landscape Landscape Archaeology and the Exploitation of Natural Resources in the Eastern Levant: A Neolithic Case Study The Urbanisation Process in the South Jordan Valley: Renewed Excavations at Tulaylāt al-Ghassūl 1994/1995 Between the Plateau and the Rocks: Edomite Economic and Social Structure Water Management in Northern Jordan: The Example of Gadara Umm Qays Ancient Roads in the Roman District of South Peraea: Routes of Communication in the Eastern Area of the Dead Sea L'habitat rupestre dans le bassin de Pétra à l'époque nabatéenne Les circulations internes et l'emprise urbaine sur l'espace à Pétra The Water Canalization System of the Petra Southern Temple At-Tawana - The Development and Decline of a Classical Town in Southern Jordan (with a Note on the Site Preservation) Gadara. The Terrace, Theatre and Cardo Quarter in the Roman Period: Architectural Design Integrated in the Landscape: the Design of the West Theatre Umm Qays: The Byzantine Buildings on the Terrace. The Building Materials of Stone and Ceramics Thermal Springs, Medical Supply and Healing Cults in Roman-Byzantine Jordan The Ridge Church in Petra The Petra PapyriThumbnails