About the publication:
Jordan by the Millenia.University of Copenhagen/ Copenhagen – Denmark.12-19e1998.
Table of Contents
The archaeology of Jordan : achievements and charting the future Ancient travellers in Moab and modern excavations History in depth : surface survey and aerial archaeology The Paleolithic of Jordan in the Levantine context The middle Paleolithic of Jordan : an overview The role of environmental degradation in long term settlement trends in Wādī al-Ḥasa, West-Central Jordan Nine millennia by Lake Lisan : the Epipalaeolithic in the east Jordan valley between 20,000 and 11,000 years ago Jordan in the seventh and sixth millennia BC Towards a commonly accepted chronological framework of the pre-pottery Neolithic B period in Jordan The pre-pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) of Jordan : a first step towards proto-urbanism? The Neolithic burial practices in Wādī al-Mūjib during the seventh millennium BC Core and periphery models during the Neolithic : is the analogy appropriate ? Settlement and economy in Wādī Ziqlāb during the late Neolithic Pottery decoration as a medium to examine specialised production in the sixth to fourth millennia BC Jordan in the fourth millennium Jabal al-Muṭawwaq at the end of the fourth millennium BC The third millennium in Jordan : a perspective, past and future Urban or rural ? : the development of regional communities in the highlands of Jordan during the third millennium Le Levant sud au Bronze ancien : pour une définition des systèmes socio-économiques non intégrés Tracing the course of EB IV pastoralism and sedentism in Transjordan and the Negev Pottery candlesticks from the Byzantine period at Yājūz