About the publication:
Vol. I. Edited by Adnan Hadidi. 27.5 × 22.5 cm. Pp. 399. Amman: Department of Antiquities, Jordan, 1982. The History and Archaeology of Jordan from the Earliest Prehistoric Times to the End of the Ottaman Period. University of Oxford / Oxford- UK. 25-31 March 1980.
Table of Contents
The Archaeology of Jordan: Achievements and Objectives The Prehistory and History of the Jordanian Landscape The Contribution of Aerial Photography to Archaeology in Jordan: with special reference to the Roman period The Significance of Continuity in Early Jordanian Prehistory Paleolithic Adaptive Strategies in Southern Jordan: Results of the 1979 Field Season Early Jordan: A Survey Teleilat Ghassul: Its place in the archaeology of Jordan The Ghassulian Lacuna at Jericho The origins of the Early Bronze Age walled town culture of Jordan: An assessment of current theories in the light of recent evidence The Mature Early Syrian Culture of Ebla and the Development of Early Bronze Civilization of Jordan The Skeletal Biology of an Early Bronze IB Charnel House at Bab edh-Dhra, Jordan Paleo-Beduin and Transmigrant Urbanism Contact Between Egypt and Jordan in the New Kingdom: Some Comments on Sources The Mycenaeans in the East Contacts between North West Arabia and Jordan in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages The Beginning of the Iron Age in Transjordan A Technological Study of Iron Age I Pottery from Tell Deir ʿAllā Ceramic Ethno-techniculture Remarks on the History of Settlement in Southern Jordan during the Early Iron Age The Political Situation in the East of Jordan during the Time of King Mesha' Recent Archaeological Developments Relevant to Ancient Moab The Ascent of Luhith Neo-assyrian influence in Transjordan Ammonite Seals from Tell El-Mazar Quelques aspects de la religion des Nabatéens Un monument hellénistique de Jordanie: Le Qasr el `abd d'Iraq al Amir Iraq el Amir: Excavations at the Monumental Gateway Urbanization of Palestine and Jordan in Hellenistic and Roman Times The Excavations at Petra, 1974: Cultural Aspects of Nabataean Architecture, Religion, Art and Influence Exploration à Khirbet Es-Samra: Une question pour l'histoire de la Jordanie The Symmetry and Harmonic Propotions of the Temples of Artemis and Zeus at Jerash; and the Origin of Numerals as used in the Enlargement of the South Theatre in Jerash The Architectural Significance of the Sanctuary of Artemis at Gerasa Origines des Nabatéens Le rôle de la ville de Bosra dans l'histoire de la Jordanie aux époques nabatéenne et romaine Fine Nabataean Ware with Impressed and Rouletted Decorations Premières fouilles belges en Jordanie Forty Years of Archaeological Work at Mount Nebo-Siyagha in Late Roman-Byzantine Jordan The Sacred Space in Ancient Arab Religions A New Umayyad Palace at the Citadel of Amman Early Islamic Architecture in Jordan The Pottery of Jordan in the Early Islamic Periods Pella/Fahl in Jordan during the Early Islamic Period The Role of the Nabateans in the Islamic Conquests Bait-al-Maqdis in Islam Der `Felsendom' auf Kreuzfahrerminiaturen Jordan in Perspective: The Mamluk - Ottoman Period Ibn al-Quff's Writings on Hygienic Regulations and the Preservation of Health Jordan: Towards the End of the Ottoman Empire 1841-1918 Forty Years of Archaeological Work at Mount Nebo-Siyagha in Late Roman-Byzantine Jordan