About the publication:
Trade, Communications and International Relations throughout the Ages. International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 3rd : 1986: Tuebingen, Jordan. 6-12 April 1986
Table of Contents
Topographic Influences on Epipaleolithic Land-use Patterns in Southern Jordan Local and External Relations in the Levantine PPN Period: `Ain Ghazal (Jordan) as a Regional Centre The Pottery Neolithic in Jordan in Connection with Other Near Eastern Regions A Question of Economic Control during the Proto-Historical Era of Palestine / Transjordan (c.3500-2000 BC Trade in the Life of Pella of the Decapolis A Bronze Age Ivory-Decorated Box from Pella (Pahel) and its Foreign Relations Sahab and its foreign relations Edomite Copper Industry Possible Phoenician Influences in Jordan in the Iron Age The Relations of the States East of the Jordan with the Mesopotamian Powers during the First Millennium BC The Identity of Trans-Jordanian Alphabetic Writing in the Iron Age The Pitfalls of Biblical Geography in Relation to Jordan Transjordan in Joshua 13: Some Aspects Decorative Stucco at Petra and other Hellenistic Sites The Mason's Workshop of Hegra, its Relations to Petra, and the Tomb of Syllaios The Roman Limes in Jordan The Jerusalem - Esbus Road and its Sanctuaries in Transjordan Udruh and the Trade Route through Southern Jordan Origins and Repercussions of the Architecture of the Umayyad Palace in Amman Qasr al-Mshatta in the light of a recently found inscription The Crusader Lordship of Kerak and Shaubak: Some Preliminary Remarks The Mamluk Barid: Some Evidence from the Haram Documents Umm Qeis - A Northern Jordanian Village in Context A Diachronic Study of Paleolithic and Aceramic Neolithic Settlement Patterns in the Wadi Hasa, West-Central Jordan Recent Discoveries Relating to the Neolithic Periods in Eastern Jordan Tell Abu Hamid Tell esh-Shuna North: 1984 and 1985 Questions of Nomadic Incursions at the End of the 3rd Millennium BC Ceramic Vessels as Evidence for Trade Communication During the Early Bronze Age in Jordan Village Pottery Production and Exchange: a Jordan Valley Perspective The Significance of the Mycenaean Pottery found East of the Jordan River Central Transjordan in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages: An Alternative Hypothesis of Socio-Economic Transformation and Collapse Some Observations on the Geographical Extent of Cultural Areas in Syria and the Transjordan The Excavations at Tell Safut Perspectives nouvelles de l'épigraphie sigillaire ammonite et moabite The Edom Survey Project 1984-85: The Iron Age Archaeological Explorations in the Petra Region 1980-1984 (1986) The Dating of the Principal Monuments at Petra: a New Approach Khirbet Es-Samra, la route et questions de chronologie Trade and Trade Routes in Jordan in the Mamluke Era (AD 1250-1516)