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Table of Contents
The First Human Settlements on the Left Bank of the Jordan Valley: The 2015, 2016, and 2018 Surveys Hunter-Gatherer Art at al-Kharrānah IV The Origins of a Natufian ‘Anomalous Giant’: New Evidence from Wādī 500 Years of Technological Change and Continuity at an Early Natufian Settlement: The Lower Lithic Assemblages of Wādī al-Ḥammeh 27 Soil Micromorphological Investigation of Trampled Floors at Early Natufian Site, Wadī Ḥammih 27, Jordan A New Overview of Late Neolithic Sites in Jordan Late Neolithic Settlement Patterns in Wādī az-Zarqa (6th and 5th Millennia BC) Chalcolithic Ceramic Spoons from Ḥarrat al-Juḥayra 1 and 2, Southern Jordan Settlement/Cemetery Complex at Ḥarrat al-Juḥayra 2: An Exotic Middle Chalcolithic Culture in the al-Jafr Basin, Southern Jordan Khirbat al-Batrāwī 2015–2019: The Four-Lines Defensive System and the Entrance Hall of the “Palace of the Copper Axes Bone Tools from the EB IIIB “Palace of the Copper Axes” at Khirbat al-Batrāwī, Jordan The Ritual Landscapes of Murayghāt (2014–2018): Excavation, Structures, and Cup-Marks on the Central Knoll The Early Bronze Age (EB I) Ceramic Assemblage from Murayghāt in the Mādabā Region: Preliminary Results of the Ritual Landscape of Murayghāt Project 2014–2018 New Insights about the Early Bronze Age Sequence at Khirbat Iskandar: The 2016 Excavations Cultural Multiplicity in Northern Moʼāb: Figurines and Statues from Khirbat al-Mudaynah on the Wādī ath-Thamad The Iron IIB Period at Khirbat ‘Atarūz The Iron Age IIB–C Ammonite Strongholds of Jamʻān and Rujm al-Jāmūs, North-Central Jordan Wādī Khunayzīrah Astonishing Discoveries of 2018: Unknown Tombs from the Early Bronze Age and Nabataean Periods Rethinking Monument 468 (The Burg-Berge Monument) on the Ad-Dayr/ Ad-Deir Plateau, Petra, Jordan The Nabataean Crocodile Shrine near al-Bayḍā Building a Capital: New Evidence for Construction Techniques in Petra When the Nabataeans Settled in Hejaz: New Data from the Nabataean Painted Fine Ware found in Hegra/Mada’in Salih (Northwest Arabia) The Nabataean Crocodile Shrine near al-Bayḍā