About the publication:
Jordanian Environment: Geographical and Historical. Department of Antiquities- ’Amra Hotel/ ’Amman - Jordan. 4-16 April 1983
Table of Contents
The Nature of Environment, with Special Relation to the Country of Jordan The Climate of Jordan in the Past and Present Azraq- A Case Study Vegetation in Jordan Prehistory and Geomorphology in Northern Jordan : a Preliminary Qutline Late Pleistocene Environment and Paleolithic Adaptions in Southern Jordan Remarks on the Geomorphogeny of the Yarmuk Valley, Jordan Paleoclimates of the Upper Pleistocene in the Jordan Rift The Character of the Wadi Araba Late Pleistocene Environments and Seasonal Hunting Strategies: A Case Study from Fjaje, near Shobak , Southern Jordan The Enviromental History of the Azraq Basin The Enviroment of the Petra Region during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic The Early Bronze Age Environment of the Southern Ghor and the Moab Plateau Hydrologic and Topograpic Change During and After Early Bronze Occupation at Bab edh-dhra and Numeira Enviromental Constraints for Human Settlement in the Baq`ah Valley Ceramique et Environment Naturel : La Ceramique Nabateenne de Bosra The Environmentt of Petra National Park Means of Scientific Detection in the Service of Archaeological Research Caravan Routes Between Egypt and Nabataea and the Voyage of Sultan Baibars to Petra in 1276 The Great Religions and the Environment Natural Conditions and Resources in East Jordan According to Bilical Literature The Divinity-inspired Faith Environment and Archaeology as seen from Distant North-west Past and Present Environments of the Jordan Valley Quirks of Jordan River Cartography prospection Geo-archeologique de l'Ajlun 1981-82 Exemple de recherche Integrante Earthquake Studies of some Archaeological sites in Jordan L'urbanisation de la Jordanie aux epoques hellenistique et romaine: conitions geographiques et ethniques Jerash-Gerasa: Urban Environment of Two Antagonistic Towns Urbanization in the Basalt Region of North Jordan in Late Antiquity : The case of Umm el-Jimal Rural Settlements in Byzantine Jordan Qasr al-Hallabat : an Umayyad Desert Retreat or Farm-Land The Climate and Hydrological Background to the Post Glacial Introduction of Farming in the Middle East and its Subsequent Spread, with Examples from Joran Agriculture and Population Movement in East Jordan during the Ninrtrrnth Century Jordan`s Environment in Early Photographs Environmental Studies Using Satellite Imagery Man-induced Erosion in Northern Jordan Interregional Relationships in Jordan: Persistence and Change The Effect of Plague and Drought on the Environment of the Southern Levant During the Late Mamluk Period The Local Environment and Human Food-Procuring Strategies in Jordan : the Case of Tell Hesban and its Surrounding Region Enquete ethnoarchitecturale a Smakieh (Jordanie). Rapport preliminaire Micropalaeontological and Palaeoecological Studies of Recent Sediments from the Azraq Marshes in the Jordanian Desert Late Pleistocene Environments and Seasonal Hunting Strategies: A Case Study from Fjaje, near Shobak , Southern Jordan