Table of Contents
Qa` Abu Tulayha West 2001: An Interim Report of the Fifth Season A Brief Note on the 2001-2002 Winter Season Survey of the al-Jafr Basin in Southern Jordan Archaeology and Environment of the Dead Sea Plain: Preliminary Results of the Second Season of Investigations by the Joint La Trobe/ Arizona State University Project Additional Information and Observations of Neolithic al-Basit, Wadi Musa, Southern Jordan The Moab Archaeological Resource Survey: Test Excavations and Faunal Analysis from the 2001 Field Season The Karak Resources Project 1999: Excavations at Khirbat al-Mudaybi` Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Jabal al Qal`a (Lower Terrace): The Iron Age Walls Preliminary Report on the Wadi ash-Shkafiya Survey 2001 Tall Zar`a in Wadi al-`Arab: The "Gadara Region Project" The Survey in the Regions of `Iraq al-Amir and Wadi al Kafrayn, 2000 The 2001 Season of the Jarash City Walls Project: Preliminary Report A Sixth Century Water-Powered Sawmill at Jarash A Thamudic E Text from Madaba A Fortified Suburb of Ancient Petra: Shammasa La Chapelle d'Obodas à Petra: Rapport préliminaire sur la campagne 2001 The International Wadi Farasa Project (IWFP): Preliminary Report on the 2001 Season Swiss-Liechtenstein Excavation at az-Zantur/Petra: The Twelfth Season The Monumental Entrance to the Upper Market and the Trajanic Inscription at Petra: The Architectural Context New Excavations in the Qasr al-Bint Area at Petra The Brown University 2001 Petra Great Temple Excavations Offer More Surprises Recently Discovered Relief Sculptures from the Great Temple at Petra, Jordan Stucco Decoration from the South Corridor of the Petra Great Temple: Discussion and Interpretation Excavations at the Petra Small Temple, 2000-2001 The Petra Garden Feasibility Study, 2001 The 2001 Finnish Jabal Harun Project: Preliminary Report The Roman `Aqaba Project: The 2000 Campaign The Rujm Taba Archaeological Project (RTAP): Preliminary Report on the 2001 Field Season Khirbat at-Tannur in the ASOR Nelson Glueck Archive and the Reconstruction of the Temple The Tafila-Busayra Archaeological Survey: Phase 3 (2001) A Brief Ground Survey of Ruwath (Robatha), South Jordan, 28 October - 16 November 2000 Preliminary Report on the First Survey Campaign at Ancient ar-Rabba (Rabbathmoab/Aeropolis) A Byzantine Greek Inscription from Qasr ar-Rabba (Karak District) New Light on Late Antique Pella: Sydney University Excavations in Area XXXV, 1997 The Ecclesiastical Complex of Saint Paul at Umm ar-Rasas - Kastron Mefaa Recent Discoveries in the Baptism Site: The Pottery Une mosquée à Quasayr `Amra The Sugar Industry in the Southern Jordan Valley: An Interim Report on the Pilot Season of Excavations, Geophysical and Geological Surveys at Tawahin as-Sukkar and Khirbat ash-Shaykh `Isa, in Ghawr as-Safi The Sugar Industry in the Southern Jordan Valley: An Interim Report on the Pilot Season of Excavations, Geophysical and Geological Surveys at Tawahin as-Sukkar and Khirbat ash-Shaykh `Isa, in Ghawr as-Safi Ayyubid/Mamluk Archaeology of the `Ajlun Area - A Preliminary Typology Islamic Settlement in Umm Qays (Gadara)