About the publication:
The 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan 22 May 2016 to 26 May 2016 at Princess Sumaya University for Technology-Jordan
Table of Contents
Cremation Burials in Jordan: A Regional Perspective New Greek Inscriptions from Dafyana in North-East Jordan The Danish-German Jarash North-West Quarter Project: Results from the 2014- 2015 Seasons Ceramics in Context: Middle Islamic Evidence from The Danish-German Jarash Northwest Quarter Project Preliminary Results of the 2014-2015 Excavations Campaigns at the Early Bronze Age I Settlement of Jabal al- Muṭawwaq, Middle Wadi az-Zarqa’, Area C Notes on Two Manjaniq Counterweights from Mamluk ash-Shawbak Managing World Heritage Sites in Jordan: From Practical Experience to Operational Guidelines The Nabataean and Roman Towns at al- Humayma: an Urban Design Perspective The EBA Colonization of the Northern Bādiyah: Fixing the Chronological Framework The Ancient Road in Wadi Zarqa’–Ma‘in, North of Khirbat A̒ taruz A Preliminary Typology of Brick and Tubuli from the Late Roman Bath at ‘Ayn Gharandal, Jordan Central Jordan Epigraphic Project Between Here and There: Locating Abila of the Decapolis in the Past, Present and Future New Archaeological Discoveries in the Basilica of the Memorial of Moses, Mount Nebo Sites after Excavation: National Parks and Public Education Medieval Pottery in South Jordan: The Case-Study of HMPW in ash-Shawbak Castle Madaba and its Latin Church of Saint John the Baptist: A Synthesis The Medieval Ḥammām of Khirbat ad-Dawsaq: An Archaeological and Historical Investigation Restoration and Rehabilitation of Byzantian Bailica of Memorial Moses at Mt. Nebo, Jordan. Architectures And Mosaics by the Custody of Holy Land. Late Neolithic Variability in Lithic Technology and Typology from Two areas of the Black Desert of Jordan Walk on the Wild Side: Prehistoric Archaeology in the Deserts of Jordan Managing Public Awareness and Community Engagement on Landslide Risk at the Petra Archaeological Park: The Case of the “Petra Sīq Stability Project” The Archaeological Missions: A New Cultural Approach, Beyond the Crisis. The 'Future' Experience of the ItalianEuropean Archaeological Mission 'Medieval Petra' of the University of Florence Rethinking the Early Ottoman Period in Jordan: The Case of Tall Hisban The History of the Archaeological Missions to Machaerus Reassessment of the Building Phasing and Entrance Halls of the Umayyad Palace of Qastal al-Balqa Pottery and lamps from the Foundation- and Upper Walls Constructions of the Gerasa Hippodrome: Excavations 1984- 1996 by Antoni A. Ostrasz New Data on the Epigraphy of the Northern Decapolis (North-Western Jordan) The Ancient North Arabian Inscriptions from Wadi Raman in the Hisma Desert The Trajanic Auxiliary Fort at Hawara (Modern Humayma), Jordan A Byzantine-Umayyad Monastery and a New Interpretation for the Cistern in Area III on Tall Zar‘a Between Collapse and Continuity: Late Bronze Age to Iron Age Transition on Tall Ziraʿa Heritage Route Along King's Highway: Networking Museums and Heritage Sites The Discovery, Excavation, Study, Conservation and Exhibition of Khirbat Qazun Trade and Cultural Exchange: Late Bronze Age Cypriot Import Water from Tall Ziraʿa The Udhruh Intervisibility: Antique Communication Networks in the Hinterland of Petra The New Madaba Regional Archaeological Museum Project (MRAMP) Ayyubid Reception Halls in Southern Jordan: Towards a "Light Archaeology" Political Powers Life and Death at Shakarat al-Masa‘id: Results of the 2014 and 2015 Seasons Linking Iron I Sites on the Madaba Plain: The Evidence from Collared Pithoi A Series of Iron Age Domestic Buildings in Field C at Tall Jalul Water System of Tall Jalul Conservation and Management - Three Historic Sites Completely Destroyed in as-Salt Approaches to Nabataean Religion - Sculpture and Religion The Chipped Lithic Artefacts from the Neolithic Settlement of al-Husayyah. A Preliminary Assessment Nabataean and Late Roman Domestic Complexes at Petra The Ritual Landscape of Murayghat: The Excavation Wadi al-Jarra Dam Rehabilitation Project, Petra The Northeastern Petra Project: An Assessment The Rites (Duties) of Worshipping Among the Nabataeans Who Owns the Past: Jordanian Archaeo- logical Masterpieces at the International Museums