About the publication:
Crossing Jordan. George Washington University / U.S.A. 23- 28 May 2007.
Table of Contents
The Inhabited Vine Motif and Mould-Made Lamps: A Continuing Tradition in the Early Islamic Period Archaeological Museums Crossing Jordan Issues at World Heritage Sites: Petra Case Study Barsīnia: a Newly-Excavated Archaeological Site in North-Western Jordan Athenodorus of Tarsus and Nabataea: The Date and Circumstances of His Visit to Petra Imperial Transitions and Peasant Society in Middle and Late Islamic Jordan1 Within-Room Spatial Analysis of Activity Areas at Late NeolithicTabaqat al-Būma, Wādī Ziqlāb, al-Kūra, Jordan Refreshing and Perfuming the Dead: Nabataean Funerary Libations The Dead Sea Scrolls: an Introduction Ayla at the Millennium: Archaeology and History The Ethnic Origin of the Edomites* Hasmoneans, Herodians and Arabs in the Jordan Valley: Disputes Over a Border? Iron Age Deities in Word, Image, and Name: Correlating Epigraphic, Iconographic, and Onomastic Evidence for the Ammonite God Crossing Jordan: Tracing Human Migration in Classical Period Jordan Using Strontium and Oxygen Isotopes Between the Cults of Syria and Arabia: Traces of Pagan Religion at Umm al-Jimāl A Period of Peace and Prosperity in Gilead Tall Juhfiyya and its Surrounding During the (late) Iron Age A Report on the 2002-2004 and 2007 Seasons1 New Results from the Jarash Cathedral Excavation1 The Jordan Museum: Exhibiting the Archaeology of Jordan Råjil: The Cairn of The Mermaids Archaeometry in Archaeological Research 5000 Years of History on Tall Zar‘a Pottery – Everyday Life, Trade and Technology in Northern Jordan The Conservation and Heritage Management of the Sanctuary of Lot at Dayr ‘Ayn ‘Abå†a Jordan’s Contribution to the on-Line ‘Discover Islamic Art Project’ Great Britain, the U.S. and Paradigms of Modern Jordan’s Ancient Identity Jordan During the Neolithic: A “Central Bus Station”? Surprises at the Petra Great Temple: A Retrospective The View from Khirbat al-Hammåm : Neolithic at a Crossroads Landscapes of Divine Power at al-Humayma A Landscape/GIS Perspective on the Thamudic Inscriptions and Rock Drawings of the Wadi Hafir, Southern Jordan Tale of Two Sites: Pleistocene Hunter- Foragers of the Jordanian Eastern Deserts Baydå Documentation Project The ‘Eastern City Area’ of Gadara (Umm Qays): Preliminary Results on the Urban and Functional Structures Between the Hellenistic and Byzantine Periods The Druze Experience at Umm al-Jimāl: Remarks on the History and Archaeology of the Early 20th Century Settlement Double-Crossing Jordan: Strabo’s Portrait of Syllaeus and the Imagining of Nabataea “They Came and Stayed” A Study of Population Movements into Jordan 1800 - 1948 The Nabataeans and Oriental Trade: Roads and Commodities (Forth Century BC to First Century AD) Travelling Looms: Textile Production Crossing Borders Ceramic Traditions in the East Central Jordan Valley during the Late Iron Age IIC (An Insight into the Pottery from Tall Dayr ‘Allā) Scierie Hydraulique de Gerasa/Jarash: Restitution Théorique et Restitution Matérielle d’une Machine Hydraulique du VIe Siècle de Notre ère Interpretation and Presentation of a Multi-Period Site The Case of Tall Hisban Roads, Travel, and Time ‘Across Jordan’ in Byzantine and Early Islamic Times Literary and Archaeological Evidence of Trade and Travel on the Karak Plateau Measuring the Impact of LPPNB Immigration into Highland Jordan Five Years (2003-2007) of Excavation on Tall Zar‘a Byzantine Ceramic Productions and Organisational Aspects of Sixth Century AD Pottery Workshops at the Hippodrome of Jarash Cremation Buurials in Amman, Jordan Continuity and Variation in Byzantine Church Architecture at Abila: Evidence from the 2006 Excavation Trajan’s Engineers and the Roman Fort at al-Humayma (Ancient Hawara, Jordan) Jordan in the Iron I Period Results of Recent Excavations at Khirbat ar-Rusayfah The Message of the Khirbat at Tannūr Reliefs Middle and Late Bronze Age Domestic Architecture from Tall Dayr ‘Allā: Recent Discoveries Judah Versus Edom in the Eastern Negev Tall al Fakhār 1990-93 and 2002 From Jericho to Mount Nebo: Results of Recent Excavations of Conder’s Circle Drawing the Borderline: the Nabatean, Hasmonean and Herodian Kingdoms in Central Jordan Crossroads and Sites at the Northern Edge of the Central Moabite Plateau The ‘Aqaba Castle Project Khirbat al-Batrāwī: a Case Study of third Millennium BC Early Urbanism in North-Central Jordan The Foundation of Ayla: A Nabataean Port on the Red Sea How and Where did the Inhabitants of Shawbak Castle live? The Faunal Remains* Early Bronze IV Peoples: Connections Be- tween the Living and the Dead at Khirbat Iskandar Early Bronze IV Peoples: Connections Be- tween the Living and the Dead at Khirbat Iskandar The Foothill Cemeteries Behind Iktānī: The Vanishing Landscape Technological Similarities Across the Jordan Valley Iron Age Roads in Moab and Edom: The Archaeological Evidence Roman Provincial Borders Across Jordan Iron Age Roads in Moab and Edom: The Archaeological Evidence The Kingdoms of Transjordan and the As- syrian Expansion Travelers to a Permanent Abode: Burial Practices of the Early Bronze Age I in the Southern Ghawrs of Jordan A Symbol of Peaceful Coexistence Umm ar-Raṣāṣ / Kastron Mefaa on the World Heritage List Human Presence / Absence in the Southern Segment of the Transjordanian Plateau “Reconstructing” Mamluk ‘Ajlūn: The 728/1328 Flood Report as a Source on Ar- chitectural Patronage Archaeological Past and Tourist Future of Al-Lāhūn: A Geoarchaeological Park and Museums Monumental Tomb and Simple Pit-Graves at Khirbat adh-Dharīḥ (Nabataean Period, Jordan): An Archaeo-Anthropological Study Rās al-Miyāh Fortresses: New Discoveries at One of the Gateways to the Iron Age Copper Production District of Faynān, Jordan A Doric Frieze from Petra The Late Epipaleolithic: The View from West-Central Jordan The Role of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan in Preventing the Illicit Trade in Cultural Heritage A Bronze Cannon Barrel from ‘Ammān: Physical Evidence for Mamluk Gunnery Building Management Capacity for Petra Archaeological Park A Study of the Nabataean Minor Arts and their Cultural Interpretations Feasting at Tall al-‘Umayrī in the Late Second Millennium BC New Light on the Palaeolithic Landscape Around Mount Nebo Mādabā Archaeological Sites: Bridging the Gap Between the Living and Once Living Sites of Mādabā Coenobium, Palatium and Hira: The Ghassanid Complex at al-Ḥallābāt