About the publication:
Volume 57
Table of Contents
Table of Contents Preliminary registration report of the second season of the Danish-German Jarash Northwest Quarter Project 2012 Preliminary report of the second season of the Danish-German Jarash Northwest Quarter Project 2012 A Preliminary Report of the Tulul adh-Dhahab (Wadi az-Zarqa) Survey and Excavation Seasons 2005 - 2011 Tulul adh-Dhahab (Wadi az-Zarqa) lead sling bullets from Terrace I Brown University Petra Archaeological Project: The 2011 and 2012 Petra Area and Wādī Silaysil Survey East of Jawa: Chalcolithic / Early Bronze Age settlement activity in al-Ḥarra (north-east Jordan) The Hellenistic - Nabataean crypt in tower tomb 303 at ath-Thughrah in Petra: results of the archaeological and multi-disciplinary studies The Ceramic Assemblage from the Later Phases at Tomb 303: Settlement in WādῙ ATH-Thughrah during the Islamic period QAṢR MUSHᾹSH SURVEY: FIRST RESULTS OF ARCHAEOlOGICAL FIELDWORK IN 2011 AND 2012 GHAWR Aṣ-Sāfī EXCAVATIONS 2011 - 2012 The International AṢlaḤ Project (IAP) 2011-2012: Report on the Second and Third Seasons PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE Eighth (2012) SEASON OF EXCAVATION by ‘LA SAPIENZA’ UNIVERSITY OF ROME AT Khirbat al-Bat rāwī (Upper Wādī az-Za rqā’) The 2011 season of the Late Antique Jarash Project : Result s from the Survey Southwest of the Umayyad Congregational Mosque Recycling the Valley Preliminary report of the 2012 excavations at Tall Dāmiyah THE FUNERARY TOPOGRAPHY OF PETRA PROJECT (FTPP): PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE 2011 SEASON Patterns of settlement, abandonment and re-use during the Bronze and Iron Ages in central Jordan: an analysis of the occupational histories of individual sites using ‘MEGA-Jordan’ Tall AbŪ al-Kharaz - The Swedish Jordan Expedition 2012: Fifteenth Season Preliminary Excavation Report Tall Abū al-Kharaz: The Swedish Jordan Expedition 2013, Sixteenth Season Preliminary Excavation Report The Middle Islamic Palace at Karak Castle: A New Int erpretation of the Grand Q ‘a (Recept ion Hall) ‘Awja Sites: Supplementary Investigations of Neolithic Open Sanctuaries in Southernmost Jordan Preliminary Report of the Shawbak North Archaeological Project (SNAP): 2012 - 2013 Excavations at Wadi Nadiya 2 and Supplementary Investigations of the Jafr Neolithic Barrage System PETRA NORTH RIDGE PROJECT: THE 2012 SEASON Preliminary results of the first Spanish - Italian excavation season at the Jabal al-Muṭawwaq dolmen field: August - September 2012 QuṢayr ‘Amra World Heritage Site: preliminary report on documentation, conservation and site management activities in 2012-2013 Qaṭanah: Rescue excavation Three Seasons of Excavations at Khirbat Iskandar: 2007, 2010 and 2013 2013 Archaeological Survey in Wadi Qusayba and the Mandah Plateau, Irbid Region, Jordan Once more unto the Beach: New archaeological research into Jordan’s port on the China Sea JARASH, Spring 2013 The Iron I Pott ery of Khirbat al-Lāhūn There is No Middle Bronze Glacis at Tall Ṣāfūṭ: An Examination of the Middle Bronze III Remains The 2012 Season of Excavations in the Ancient Khirbat as-Samrā Cemetery الفهرس مدفن ظهر السرو الروماني عمان البلقاء في نهاية الفترة المملوكية وبداية الفترة العثمانية، في ضوء اعمال التنقيب لموقع أم زويتينة