About the publication:
Changes and Challenges. Paris - France. 7-12 June 2010.
Table of Contents
The northern plateau during the thirteenth century-eleventh century BC The first villagers : changes and challenges in the preservation and presentation of the Neolithic record of Jordan Un siècle et demi de guerre en Transjordanie (c. 882-732) Ancient roads of Iron Age Edom : a new spatial analysis Continuity or change ? : rural settlement in Provincia Arabia and Palaestina Tertia in the seventh to ninth centuries Preliminary results of the 2010 cortex scraper mine survey in the greater Wādī ar-Ruwayshid region (N/E Jordan) Archaeology and community at Umm al-Jimāl Settlement decline or internal migration ? : ''reading'' anew the history of late Mamluk Jordan The transition from PPNA to PPNB in southern Jordan Identity crises : challenges in the study of Nabataean identity Long-term settlement change at Dhībān The Byzantine to Early Islamic Period in southern Jordan : changes and challenges Faunal remains from the castles of al-Wu`ayra, Petra and Shawbak (Crusader period) Urban building policy in Gadara polychrome architecture built merely with local building material Le réservoir monumental de l'oasis d'Azraq ash-Shīshān et la découverte de blocs sculptés : un défi écologique, technique et iconographique Arabs in the Aegean in the early Hellenistic period Mādabā before Mesha : the earliest settlements on the city's west acropolis Protection and promotion of the archaeological site of al-Lāhūn : a technical study The transition from Bronze to Iron Ages in northern Palestine : archaeological and archaeometric investigations at Tall Zar`ā Recherches à Umm Ḥadar, Wādī al-Kafrayn Challenges encountered and changes envisioned : learning from the past 25 years at Tall al-`Umayrī and imagining the next 25 Challenges for a regional perspective on Iron Age metal production in Faynān : results of the 2009 prope at Khirbat al-Ghuwayba, Jordan ''Re''-covering the past : how do we protect and study Jordan's threatened ancient sites ? : approaches at `Ayn Ghrandal Jarash et l'essor de l'économie urbaine au début de l'Islam : considérations à partir de l'exemple des ateliers de teinturiers byzantino-umayyades de l'hippodrome A new approach to church liturgy in Byzantine Arabia-Palaestinia Tertia : chemical analysis of glass from Petra Church and Dayr `Ayn `Abāṭa monastery Le commandant de la cavalerie et son rôle dans l'armée nabatéenne d'après les inscriptions et les documents historiques Synchronising Middle Bronze Age Jordan with Egypt using radiocarbon data Archaeological research at Tall al-Mashhad, 1999-2010 : preliminary remarks L'abandon du secteur du Qaṣr al-Bint à Pétra : nouveaux éléments archéologique Crusader, Ayyubid and early Mamluk Shawbak and the history of medieval south Jordan : the archaeology and restoration of the Mamluk workshop Machaerus : a fortified royal palace overlooking the Dead Sea in Jordan Images et textes funéraires dans un hypogée de Gerasa : une redécouverte Tall Abū Ṣayyāḥ (Jabal aṣ-Ṣūr) Topographical iconography in the Church mosaics of Provincia Arabia : Byzantine or Provincial ? Social identity in the Jordan Valley during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages : evidence from the Tall as-Sa`ādiyyah cemetery Pottery, chronology and cultural succession at Tall Mādabā in the Late Hellenistic and Early Roman periods Rural life in northern Jordan during the Roman and Byzantine periods Nabataean tomb complexes in the context of Mediterranean funerary architecture of the Roman era The sugar industry in the Ghawr aṣ-Ṣāfī, Jordan Selected Iron IIB pottery types from a Stratum 8 house at Tall al-`Umayrī Urban origins in the upper Wādī az-Zarqā', Jordan : the city of Khirbat al-Batrāwī in the third millennium BC Nabataean façade tombs : a new chronology Evidence of copper metallurgical activities at Tall Ḥujayrat al-Ghuzlān, `Aqaba during the Chalcolithic period Building guidelines for a restoration project to promote public awareness : the Nabulsi's farmhouse in Ḥisbān - Jordan partnering architecture, archaeology and community development Le sanctuaire d'Isis du Wādī Abū `Ullayqa, au sud de Pétra Is there an ''Ammān-Zarqā'' family ? : new light on the EB IV pottery repertoire of north-central Jordan from recent excavations in Wādī az-Zarqā' The Petra Great Temple : a triumph of conservation, restoration and preservation A stratified third millennium BC pottery sequence from north-central Jordan : the EBII - III repertoire of Khirbat al-Batrāwī Nabataean agricultural settlements in central Jordan : preliminary report on an example from the Wādī ath-Thamad region Imports, imitations or local production ? : the white painted ware from Tall Jāwā Un ensemble architectural omeyyade au nord de Azraq : Qaṣr `Ayn as-Sil Pour une mise en valeur du patrimoine iconographique de la Jordanie : la base de données LIMC-France Nabataean land-use in the Petra area before the first century AD Jordan at the end of the fourth millennium : changes and challenges Changes and challenges in Arab life : Transjordan during the three centuries before Islam, 380-638 AD Insertion of the new into the old : restoration theory and practice from Rome to Jarash Petra Deserti (al-Karak) and the landscape of Frankish Transjordan in European cartography from the twelfth through the fifteenth century The Roman port of Ayla and its economic hinterland A comparison of vegetation and settlement models for the Jordan rift in the third and second millennia BC Early Nabataean royal portraiture Irrigation systems around Umm Qays Khirbat Iskandar Tall, tombs and Bāb Adh-Dhrā` : a multi-dimensional quantitative approach Visiting the sacred : continuity and change at Jabal Hārūn The monumental arches at Gerasa (Jarash, Jordan) and Philippopolis (Plovdiv, Bulgaria) : a case study in parallel examples from the Hadrianic era Iron Age II pottery vessels from Tall al-Ḥimmah in the Jordan Valley A large Nabataean-Roman period house at adh-Dharīḥ The Aṣlaḥ Triclinium complex at Petra : 100 years of research