Nabataean Fine Ware from Petra
Published: 1995
Pages: (832)
Table of Contents
Technological Innovation and Artistic Achievement in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages of Central Transjordan Artisric and Faunal Evidence for the Influence of the Domestication of Donkeys and Camels on the Archaeological History of Jordan and Arabia Jawa and North Syria Cosmetic Techniques: A Historical and Botanical Approch Textiles, soie Princopalement, et artisanat du textile dans Les Inscriptions grecques du Proche Orient Cultural Resources Management and National Inventory of Archaeological and Historic Sites: The Jordanian Experience The Conservation of Historic Sites and Monuments: A Fact-Finding Analysis in Jordan The Wall Paintings at Petra and Bayda in Jordan: Mineralogical Petrographic Study of the Causes of Deterioration and Proposals for their Restoration Le releve des peintures de Quṣayr 'Amra Preservation of an Archaeological Heritage: 'Ayn Ghazāl Town Planning in the Neolithic is 'Ayn Ghazāl "Normal" Building on Marl: the Case of Bāb Adh-Dhrā' EB IV Tombs at Khirbat Khanāzīr: Types, Construction, and Relation to other EB IV Tombs in Syria-Palestine The Architecture of Edom City Planning and Architecture at the Iron Age City of al- Bālū' in Central Jordan Mesha's Citadel Complex (Qarhoh) at Dhiban Remarques sur la métrologie et le projet architectural de quelques monuments d'époque hellénistique et romaine en Transjordanie From Hermogenes to Apollodorus of Damascus: Architects and Urbanists between Hellenism and Late Antiquity Public Building Design and Techniques in Roman Imperial Times: Achievements in Gerasa The Hippodrome of Gerasa: A Case of the Dichotomy of Art and Building Technology The Nabataean House and the Urbanistic System of the Habitation Quarters in Petra A Newly Described Nabataean Temple near Petra: The "Pond Temple" Nabataean Architectural Technology Monuments nabatéens de Bostra: matériaux et techniques de construction et de revêtement223-230 Building Techniques in Palmyra From Public to Private Space: Changes in the Urban Plan of Bayt Ras/Capitolias La fortification de Kastron Mayfa`a/ Umm ar-Rasas The Typology of Roman and Byzantine Forts and Fortresses in Jordan Military Architecture and the Defense "System" of Roman-Byzantine Southern Jordan - A Critical Appraisal of Current Interpretations Remarks on Building Techniques during Umayyad Times The Misr of Ayla: New Evidence for the Early Islamic City Woodworking in Early Islamic Palestine The Fortification of the Pilgrimage Route during the First Three Centuries of Ottoman Rule (1516-1757) Pour une éthnoarchéologie des cycles d'évolution dans l'habitat rural du Proche-Orient An Ethnoarchaeological Study on the Technology and Use of Adobe in the Jordan Rift Valley The Historical Development of the Jordanian Rural House and Its Effects on Traditional and Modern Buildings The Orientation System in Jordanian Settlements The Resurrection of the Hijaz Railroad Line The Golden Era of as-Salt (1870-1950): Urban and Architectural Development Tayyiba "A Thriving Village" Frescos: From the Decapolis to the Umayyad Palaces Les caractéristiques de la peinture murale à Pétra The Activity of the Mosaicists of the Diocese of Madaba at the time of Bishop Sergius in the Second Half of the Sixth Century AD Inscriptions grecques des carrières de Hallabat Inscriptions et espaces d'écriture au Palais d'al-Kharrana en Jordanie Milestones with Uninscribed Painted Latin Texts Nouvelles gravures rupestres à Pétra: techniques, religion, épigraphie `Ayn Ghazal: A Comparative Study of the 1983 and 1985 Statuary Caches Représentations humaines et animales sur le site d'Abu Hamid (mi-7e-début 6e millénaire BP) The Terra Cotta Anthropomorphic Figurines Stamp and Cylinder Seal Techniques in Jordan Recherches sur les ateliers sigillaires jordaniens au Fer II Le travail de l'os, de l'ivoire et de la coquille en Terre Sainte du 7e au 1er millénaires av. J.-C. Lithic Technology and Settlement Pattern Variability within the Levantine Mousterian: A Comparison of Sites WHS 621 and WHS 634 from Wadi al-Hasa Chipped Stone Raw Material Procurement and Selection in the Neolithic Azraq Basin: Implications for Levantine Neolithic Cultural Developments Burin Variability at Neolithic `Ayn Ghazal, Jordan The Early Bronze Age at Faynan/Wadi `Arabah: A Period of New Technology in Copper Production The Same but Different: A Comparison of Middle Bronze Age Metalwork from Jericho and Tall ad-Dab`a Punch Technique of Umayyad Copper Coinage in Syria Glass Bracelets from Tall Abu Sarbut Pottery Technology: The Bridge between Archaeology and the Laboratory Decorative Elements on the Excavated Neolithic Pottery at `Ayn Ghazal Pottery Marks from the Expedition to the Dead Sea Plain Neutron Activation Analysis of Clay and Late Third Millennium Pottery from Iktanu, Jericho and Jerusalem: First Results Metallic Burnished Early Bronze Age Ware from Tall Abu al-Kharaz Some Technological Features of Tall as-Sa`idiyya Cooking Pots A Comparison of Bronze and Iron Age Pottery Production Based on Material from the Madaba Plains Region Iron Age II Pithoi from Tall Jawa, Jordan: Construction Techniques and Typology The Late Iron II-Persian Ceramic Horizon at Tall al `Umayri Preliminary Thoughts on the Tall Nimrin Krater An Investigation into the Firing of Nabataean Pottery Nabataean Fine Ware from Petra Late Roman Pottery from az-Zantur, Petra Tradition, Innovation and Imitation in the Material Culture of Islamic Jordan: The First Four Centuries Arab Lamp-Makers in Jarash, Christian and Muslim Measuring Long-Term Change in the Human Food Niche: A Levantine Example Balanophagy and the Bedrock Industries of Ancient Jordan Traditional Bedouin Agriculture at Petra: Ethnoarchaeological Insights into the Evolution of Food Production The Origins and Design of Nabataean Water-Supply Systems La protection du site de Pétra à l'époque nabatéenne The Technology of the Hydrological System at Abila of the Decapolis Water Collection in a Dry Farming Society Water-Mills in Jordan: Technology, Typology, Dating and Development Reconstructing Water Mills in Late Ottoman Transjordan The Water Mills of the `Ajlun-Kufranja Valley: The Relationship of Technology, Society and Settlement Traditional Systems of Water Conservation in the Eastern Badiya of Jordan On-Site Water Retention Strategies: Solutions from the Past for Dealing with Jordan's Present Water CrisisThumbnails